Review Week Comments and Feedback

Thanks the Tasks these past few months I have learned a great many different types of feedback, I didn't even know there where so many. However weeks 3 and 4 where more about raceving and handling feedback from others rather then giving which was vary helpful along the way when people started to leave comments on my own blog posts. It was not until week 5 did I begin to learn the different types of feedback, the first being the "The WWW Feedback Strategy" which stood for wow, wonder and what if this strategy is where you start with something that you like about what you see, then you move to wonder where you ask questions about what you don't understand and finally what if when you sagest some miner changes that you think could improve what is already done. The next strategy I learned of was "TAG Feedback" which stands for Tell, Ask, Give and is vary simpler the the WWW strategy, "Tell" is about what you like in the persons idea and what caught your attention, next we have the "Ask" which is where you ask questions about thing that you fell where not made clear enough and finally "Give"  where you give suggestions on what you think should be changed or improved on moving forward.


In week 7 and onward we where just left to comment on are fellow students blog post's that involved there video game idea's which I think helped as it allowed me to what other peoples ideas where and what I could add to my own game idea and I gave me experience on giving feedback. I also feel like it allowed me  to get to know fellow classmate more.


I also feel that I have improved because of the feedback given to me.

(screen shot of project feedback task) 


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