Unity Tutorial 05

This tutorial was vary helpful but it was a bit frustrating as at first I had experienced some technical difficulty's in that I would import the assets needed to make it, but when I go to the scene section to switch to prototype 3 it all freezes and kicks me out and notifies me about an bug. Eventual I found a solution by updating my unity from 2019 to 2020 I was able to do the tutorial which was vary helpful as it showed me how to make my character jump up and down which I will need when making my game as it will be impotent for navigation. It also showed me how to repeat a back ground which I see as being vary helpful in the future if I ever make a 2D game or a 3D game with a side angle. It also showed me how to make prefabs stop spawning when I get a game over which was not in tutorial 2. However I experience another tech problem in 3.3 when doing animation for my character the inspector was blank and when the inspector is not blank it is cluttered and looks nothing like it should in the video.

(image of the ERROR notification that appears) 

(inspector in video)

(inspector I get )


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