Unity Tutorial 06
This tutorial was vary helpful and convenient as it has shown me how to add music and sound effects to a game and I was just wondering if and how I should put it music into my own game. However I did have problem when add mud spatter, I fallowed all the instruction but for some reason It wound not appear when I played and I looked over it again but I could not find the mistake. even the instructor was having problems but his was he could not get the mud spatter to go away when he jumped or died. But other then that miner error the where no problems.
As for the quiz / challenge I do not in joy doing a task without being told how to do it but after looking at past instruction videos I managed but the balloon was hard to solve and keeping it all level was be difficult but I managed to solve all the problems and the bonuses, however it took a large amount of trial and error in order to get it right.
To summaries what I learned from this tutorial will be vary helpful in the future should I decide to add music to my game.
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