Unity Tutorial 07
This tutorials was vary helpful as it showed me how the spawn in enemies with will come in handy should I ever make a game the reacquires adding in enemies. It also showed me how to give my character power ups like in the Mario games and similarly it can also be used to make tokens to be collected through out the game which I may add to my own game. I also believe that the tutorial also showed my a way to attach my camera to my own character but it will recruiter some testing to see if it actually works for my game. I did come across a problem when I was making the enemy fallow the player, when I was done the C#script I clicked play on unity to test if it worked but the enemy did not move I did not know it I made a mistake in the script so I wrote it again a few times then I relisted the problem was not the script was because I set the speed to zero I did not relies this because the the instructor in the tutorial did not have to do this.
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