
Showing posts from September, 2020


When it comes to the tools that we are going to use in this year I'm not to worried bookmarking and image editing, those are simple and can be used by anyone. Its the graphic creation and unity thats making me nervous  mostly because there so unfamiliar to me especially since I am going to have to rely on them to get my work done. But once I'm given clear instruction on what to do and how to do it I will probably ease into it, However I would much prefer if we where shown in person rather then online but since we don't have a lot of options right now I will have to make due.                                                              (Unity logo link to website)


At first glance the core assignments seem simple enough but is probable because I have not done any yet. The reading and blog assignments seems easy and a quick way to earn marks. However  it is the ones involving unity 3D and project are what have me worried along with the the due dates but I'm probable paranoid and it will get easier over the weeks. The extra credit task seem interesting and a good way to catch upon any assignments marks that I might have missed particularly the Wikipedia trail.                                (list of Core Assignments link to web site)                         


Before this this year I had never even heard of "Growth Mindset" or Carol Dweck. However from what I have read and listed to about Growth Mindset it is simpler to seeing the glass as half full rather then half empty. Its less about incurring people to get the answer right and more about incurring people to try, to exempt challenge and try rather ten stay in there comfort zone even if they don't win. When I look at the spectrum between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset I feel like I go back and forth depending on the situation I'm facing, but probable more so a fixed mindset always trying hard not to fail and praying that I at least passed it was like that for me last year and it is probable be the same this year. One of my biggest challenges having enough time to get the hang of something new. I might be interested in learning more about Growth mindset but I'm just fine not. (Growth Mindset meme Link to )


(picture of me) Hello readers my name is Bernard Mac Donagh I was born in Co. Dublin on the 20th of December 2000 to Alan and Janet Mac Donagh, I have two older siblings the first born, is my brother, Alan jr and the second, is my sister, Lauren who is a doctor and I have a pet dog, a cocker spaniel named Rio. This will be my second Year at TU Dublin Blanchardstown, the course that I am doing is Creative Digital Media. My goal is to learn the different methods of design from video to poster to games. I feel like this year is going to be a bit more difficult that last year due to me us having to do everything online but once I get into a routine it will get less hard over time. When I graduate from collage I am hoping to use the skills that I  have acquired in TU Dublin to to get a job as a graphic designer designing posters and logos. When I was younger I wanted to become a game designer but I changed my mind once I relisted how complex they are. Hear are some facts about me, befor...

My Favorite Game : Red Dead Redemption 2 (SPOILERS)

                                              GAME REVIEW : RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2  When I was asked what my favorite video games was it was hard to pick just one, however after I gave it some thought I decided that Red Dead Redemption 2 was my favorite game to play and i'm going to explain why.                                                                        THE WORLD (image of the world map link to  website) One of the first things I noticed about the game was just how big the world is, but that's not what made it so impressive its was how much stuff was in that world. Every time I played I would always discover some new side mission ,activity or landmark hidden all over the place...


 Hello readers my name is Bernard Mac Donagh and this is a test post in order to see if all is going well while i made this blog.