Unity Tutorial 04

Lesson 2.4 was vary helpful as during lessons 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 I found myself wondering when we where going to learn how to get rid of the animals with the food like in the demonstration that was shown to me when the animal disappeared when the pizza hit them. It has also how shown me how to a  add the word game over when an animal passes me by but I had hoped that it would be in big letters and appear in front of the camera not in tinny letters and in the far left corner.

As for the Quiz, I was not a big fan of that as I work better when I am given instructions weather then being left to figure it out on your own but the problems one, two and three where easy to fix I just had to with around when the balls and dog and change the box collider where spawning from. It was problem 5 to 8 that where the problem as that in involved the C#script so I had to look back at some of the tutorials to figure out what the solution was.

(screen shot of Challenge 2 link to hear)


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