While I was doing unity tutorial 1, I found the video instructions to be very helpful. I enjoyed putting together the small game it helped tech me how to add and remove objects from it, as well as add and change C#Script however in order to do that I had to download Microsoft Visual Studio which took a while to finish but once it had it was very easy to add and change certain things about specific objects in the game. It also taught me how to make objects fallow the physic of gravity and collision which I thought was going to be much more complex but was actually very easy all I had to do was add rigid body to the components and nothing more. However lesson 1.3  took a bit longer not because it was hard but because the internet at the time was not working well so the instruction videos took a lot longer to buffer but I feel it was also the most impotent as it taught me how to handle the camera and make it fallow to vehicle. The tutorial has taught me some very impotent basics that will be very helpful in the future. 

(screen shot of the unity tutorial 1 link to hear)


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