Unity Tutorial 09

This Tutorial was extremely helpful in that it taught me how to incorporate the mouse into a game which will be vary helpful should I ever make a game simpler to games such as "fruit ninja" in the future. It has a lot of mechanics form past tutorials such as the spawn manger from tutorial 3, another thing simpler to past tutorials is causing the spawned object to move in a certain direction however unlike before where it was forward or sideways this one showed me how to make my objects "jump" upward. 

Another important thing this tutorial has taught me is how to give a game a score display using the UI or user interface, how to give certain objects points and what a canvas is, which if I have time will try and incorporate into my own game when I get the chance. I also learned some new things about C#script and this tutorial finally showed me how to make a large game over sign appear on the screen when the player losses.

In short this tutorial used a lot of the mechanics I learned in past tutorials but it also include a lot of new mechanics that I am hoping to include in my own game.

(screen shot of Tutorial 9) 


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