
Showing posts from March, 2021


  TWITTER TASK What is it you all enjoy about this modal and what you don't? #dmed2023 — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) March 27, 2021

Reading 09

For the most part the feedback from my group  I got was vary helpful in fixing up any mistakes I may have made or just improving what I all ready have. For the most part they said a few of my sentences where too long and suggested that I split them up into two or three smaller sentences. This was good advice as I have always had trouble deciding where to end one sentence and start another and this advises helped me fined when to split them up more. another piece was to rewrite some parts for example, in the intro I said "and see if they could add them to there future games" and they suggest I change it to "and  if they can incorporate certain game mechanics and techniques into their future games ". They all so spotted a few spelling errors and pointed them out to me so I could fix or get rid of them. As for the feed back I gave to my group, it was much of the same pointing out spelling errors, change the wording and of a sentence.

Doing the Introduction and conclusion

I found this particular task to be rather difficult as this was different then what I was use to as in the past my intros and conclusion only had to be about two to three sentences long and reneging to be about 100 words but in this it had to be around 200 words which I found was was difficult to get too. Another thing that I found to be vary hard was  Draft a “Check your understanding” as I had no idea what that meant and was given no visual examples on so I decided to keep it simple and create a list of multiple choice questions for the reader an example being " Which of these is one of the themes: (1)Story, (2)Immersion,  (3)Fun". However I am open to feedback and suggestion on how to improve it so if there are any problems with it I will redo it for the final version of the paper.


  TWITTER TASK 13 Unity has bean a great help as it has shown me how to make 3D games and is now showing me how to make 2D which so far seam much easier. — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) March 20, 2021

Tutorial 07 semester2

These last two tutorials have bean vary helpful, the first taught me how to add audio do my game with the use audio source which aloud me to add music to my game how ever I had to august the volume as it started off to loud that I could not hear the other sound effects. Next I learned how to add sounds to objects such as the cogs that my player throws and the health boost and finally how to add sound effect to my robot so that it fades depending on the distance by making it 3D and adding a child to the main camera with an audio listener. The second part taught me how to create what I have into a really game that I can send to my friends so they can play without having to download unity which will be vary helpful in the future.


  TWITTER TASK 11 so far I am enjoying the second semester and I have to say I am glad we are not making another video game but my one complaint is that are lecture and lab is know on Thursday and not a Monday as I does not give me as much time to get the work done. #dmed2023 — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) March 13, 2021

Reading 07

After I had read through the work of my team and gave my thoughts, mostly I  just  pointed out some spelling mistake that I found and suggested they shorten a few sentences along with my own opine on their paragraphs. I was the last to get any criticism my own work. For the most part there was no need to do any big changes to what I had already done however they did recommend  that I should add a sentence or take a sentence out but for the most part it was mostly just fixing some spelling errors or rewriting  a piece to make it easier for future readers  to understand, as well as what they thought of what I had already wrote.  The reviews from my team where appreciated and helpful in understand what needed to be fixed and what didn't. I hope my own reviews on my teams work was helpful in improving there own work.

Tutorial 06 semester2

This tutorial was vary helpful as in part 1 it showed me how to create an interactive health bar that actually went down when the player got damage. At first I was worried I did something wrong as in the scene the canvas and the image where huge but soon learned that when I switched to game view it changed to fit the screen which I thought was vary helpful as I didn't have to make it a child of the camera. not to mention I can use this for both 2D and 3D video game as when it come to canvas there is no need to change the stetting from one to another. Part 2 then thought we how to add speech bubbles to characters that appear when I intact with them a certain way in this case when I'm facing them and press "X". It was not that different from making the health bar I just had to add text and make it appear when certain steps where fallowed. (screenshot of the head up display tutorial)


  TWITTER TASK 08 Games have come a long way over the years from huge machine's in arcades to something you can carry in your hand #dmed2023 — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) March 7, 2021

Reading 06

The writing of my petrographs was a bit difficult as I hade to keep looking through my different bibliography's trying to but it all together to make a cohesive paragraph. My main problem was the into, I had a hard time figuring out where the introduction began and end. Another problem was the ref and quote as it was hard to find suitable references or quotes to use for it. However I will admit that this was easier the finding papers and writing bibliography's as I all ready had simplified information I just had to summaries it even more. From what I under stand is know all I have to do next is put all my paragraphs together form my section of the paper we are all working on. I am proud of how my work so far has turned out after all I have put into it but I am always open to feed back on how I can improve it.

Tutorial 05 semester2

This  t utorial was vary helpful In that the first part thought me how to have the camera fallow the player the the use of cinemachine making a 2D Camera which connected to the default camera, however I did have a few problems in the later steps such as when I was changing the distance between the camera and the player character in step 2 when it said to use the Orthographic Size in the lens section of the navigation but I was not there. I also learned how to add a border around the around so the camera and player don't go out of bounes. The second part thought me how to add affects like smoke to characters like the robot, I learned how to make the smoke fade away instead of just disappearing as well as make it so that it is affected by the physic of the game swaying lift and right depending on the direction the enemy is going.