
Showing posts from November, 2020

Games Stories

STORY IN A GAME One of the reasons that people play video games is not just because it might have fun game play but I might also have a compelling that catchers the customers attention and might buy it so that they can see it through to the end, an example of a game with a  complying  story are Red Dead Redemption  2 and Witcher 3. One of the ways of doing so is by looking at how movies and plays  present story's to see what works and what doesn't as well as what can be adapt to work for a video game. One of the main forms of making a complying  story is conflict. MAIN STORY FORMULA The main formula for a compelling story are as fallowed  (1)First, there's a protagonist, a hero. (2)His or her world is thrown out of order by an inciting incident. (Look at the sabotaged dope deal in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for a good example of this.) (3)A gap opens up between the hero and an orderly life. (4)The hero tries the normal, conservati...


After much trial and error I have managed to finish the core mechanics how my controller and jumping as well as having some animation to portions of my game with the button. However I have been having trouble with my player character jumping for infinity but with the help of my lecturer Shaun Ferns he found a way to fix it but unfortunately for some reason my player was no longer able to rotate left and right and the controls where reversed so that backward was forewords and left was right. So I decided that the infinity jump was just a small problem and abandoned trying to fix it , instead just giving my game a roof. I am know trying to animate my player movements, as of right know I have managed to give my player the idle animation but I do not know how to change to walking and running just yet but I am looking into solutions for this problem. (T-pose: Before) (idle pose : Now)

Review Week Comments and Feedback

Thanks the Tasks these past few months I have learned a great many different types of feedback, I didn't even know there where so many. However weeks 3 and 4 where more about raceving and handling feedback from others rather then giving which was vary helpful along the way when people started to leave comments on my own blog posts. It was not until week 5 did I begin to learn the different types of feedback, the first being the "The WWW Feedback Strategy" which stood for wow, wonder and what if this strategy is where you start with something that you like about what you see, then you move to wonder where you ask questions about what you don't understand and finally what if when you sagest some miner changes that you think could improve what is already done. The next strategy I learned of was "TAG Feedback" which stands for Tell, Ask, Give and is vary simpler the the WWW strategy, "Tell" is about what you like in the persons idea and what caught you...

Week 9 Reading and Writing

Looking back at all the reading I have done these past few week I find that it has taught me many things not just how to make an academic paper, but also about feedback and different aspects of making a game.  In week 3 I learned about the definition of what a game and showed how many people had different options on that, and how to describe a game using critical vocabulary. It also taught me different methods of coming up with an idea for a game such as Concentration, Brainstorming, S.C.A.M.P.E.R and Ramsey.  In week 4 I learned the  recurring themes of games such as "games have rules, conflict, goals, decision-making, and an uncertain outcome" as well as the  Atomic Elements such as Player, Objectives, Rules, Resources and Resource Management to name a few. I also learned what "game design" means to different people to some it means " emotion engineering" while others think that  “everything that goes into a game is more or less game design"  it w...

First playable

I have made  significant  progress in the development of my game. I have attracted the camera to the player characters as a child object in order to make the camera fallow my player when he moves and turns. However I have bean having trouble with jumping, I was fallowing the instructions from a tutorial  5 but for some reason when testing it I was only able to jump once and was not able to do it again. I and also not sure how to add the triggers to the button and the X platform as you need to interact with them to win to show that the game is won or not. However I am looking into the problem.  I have also managed to add an animation to the button so that the red cylinder to go down when the player triggered with its box collider.   (before trigger) (after trigger) link

Twitter Task 13

  Twitter Task 13 When I first used Unity I was nervous but the tutorials have bean a great help allowing me to understand Unity and how it works. My one concern is C#script as all that is needed is one mistake and it doesn't work like the HTML for a website. — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) November 16, 2020

Unity Tutorial 07

This tutorials was vary helpful as it showed me how the spawn in enemies with will come in handy should I ever make a game the reacquires adding in enemies. It also showed me how to give my character power ups like in the Mario games and similarly it can also be used to make tokens to be collected through out the game which I may add to my own game. I also believe that the tutorial also showed my a way to attach my camera to my own character but it will recruiter some testing to see if it actually works for my game. I did come across a problem when I was making the enemy fallow the player, when I was done the C#script I clicked play on unity to test if it worked but the enemy did not move I did not know it I made a mistake in the script so I wrote it again a few times then I relisted the problem was not the script was because I set the speed to zero I did not relies this because the the instructor in the tutorial did not h...

Game Fun

  Games can be described by the 3 components Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics (MDA) or otherwise stated as rules – system – “fun” . The three reading selections this week and the synopsis below all address the term “fun” in relation to game design.   There are eight types of Fun outlined by the MDA. These eight are both a source of reference and player experience that blend together in many ways, and essentially what makes a game engaging and enjoyable. Figure 1: Eight kinds of Fun Both Oxford and Merrian dictionaries define Fun as an enjoyment, delight but within the context of a game it refers to a form of pleasurable entertainment. MDA papers define the '8 kinds of fun' sensation, fantasy, narrative, challenge, fellowship, discovery, expression, and submission, remain a source of reference and possibly the most popular list of player interactions combining in various forms to attract each player to a particular game.   Nicole Lazzaro presents four types of ...


The prototype of my game,"Shrunk" is going well, I was able to find premade furniture in the asset store that was free as well as textures so it made my life much easier when it came to making the environment for my game, a lab. I have also managed to acquire a character model to use for the player to control. Nothing has fallen through the floor yet so I am hope full that I will not experience any problems while making my game but unity can be vary tricky. I well be taking pits a pieces from past tutorials in order to make this work. However I have bean having some problems with the lighting but I believe I have fixed it. I also feel I will have to abandon a few of aspects like the coin collection in order to focuses on the core macanices of the game such as jumping and triggers but I am hoping to keep the timer. I have bean looking through videos on YouTube on gravity and mass colliders and the past tutorials...

Unity Tutorial 06

This tutorial was vary helpful and convenient as it has shown me how to add music and sound effects to a game and I was just wondering if and how I should put it music into my own game. However I did have problem when add mud spatter, I fallowed all the instruction but for some reason It wound not appear when I played and I looked over it again but I could not find the mistake. even the instructor was having problems but his was he could not get the mud spatter to go away when he jumped or died. But other then that miner error the where no problems. As for the quiz / challenge I do not in joy doing a task without being told how to do it but after looking at past instruction videos I managed but the balloon was hard to solve and keeping it all level was be difficult but I managed to solve all the problems and the bonuses, however it took a large amount of trial and error in order to get it right. To summaries what I learned from this tutorial will be vary helpful...

Twitter Task 11

  Twitter Task 11 when I first started I thought it would be just like Introduction to digital media, I was wrong, and ill admit I was nervous when he said we where each going to make a game. But thanks to the tutorials that is less so and I am having Fun. #dmed2023 — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) November 9, 2020

Games Decisions

“In order for the player to be optimally engaged, challenges should be presented at a level equivalent or slightly higher than their current skill. Not too easy, not too hard”( Gigity McD )   The word 'flow state' was coined by Csikszentmihalyi (1975) also known as being “in the zone” This is when the player is fully engaged in the game experience. Csikszentmihalyi put a lot of work into observing and analyzing various groups of people. This theory is focused on the idea of how people should balance their skills and the demands of particular tasks. An example of Flow would be a challenge in a game that interests the player such as a puzzle or a boss battle meant to keep the player interested and not get bored. Csikszentmihalyi also states that flow is related to an ideal psychological condition when a person engages in a challenge-skill activity, often resulting in concentration and a focused emphasis on a task.   A practical technique for improving Flow is to look at...

Game Design Document

  Game Design Document After examining and fallowing the advice of the materiel from Reading I have created my own Game Design Document or GDD  in order to help me stay on track and show others what my plan for the game is. As I have said before my game "Shrunk" is inspired by other puzzle/ navigation games such as "I am Bread" and "I am Fish" and is meant for people of all ages who enjoy a simple puzzle. (Image of the Player balancing on a wire in the game link to here) This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office .

Twitter Task 9

Twitter Task 9 My game you will be a lab assistant that gets shrunk and have to travel across the large room to change the setting on the ray so that you can get back to your normal size. #dmed2023 — Bernard MacDonagh (@BernardMacDon14) November 2, 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

This tutorial was vary helpful but it was a bit frustrating as at first I had experienced some technical difficulty's in that I would import the assets needed to make it, but when I go to the scene section to switch to prototype 3 it all freezes and kicks me out and notifies me about an bug. Eventual I found a solution by updating my unity from 2019 to 2020 I was able to do the tutorial which was vary helpful as it showed me how to make my character jump up and down which I will need when making my game as it will be impotent for navigation. It also showed me how to repeat a back ground which I see as being vary helpful in the future if I ever make a 2D game or a 3D game with a side angle. It also showed me how to make prefabs stop spawning when I get a game over which was not in tutorial 2. However I experience another tech problem in 3.3 when doing animation for my character the inspector was blank and when the inspector is not blank it is cluttered and looks nothing like it...